Dear Friends,
A Pilgrim People
Some of you may know that my godfather came from Denmark, and in one of my holidays as a student, I visited him and his family in a place called Viborg which is a medieval town on the Jutland peninsular near Aarhus. One day we looked inside one of the local churches where there was a simple fresco painted on one wall which illustrated ‘the children of Israel’ trekking on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. In the haphazard line of people there were young and old, men and women, with most people carrying some belongings, including the elderly and older children, whilst younger children were playing games as they walked. Dotted around the whole fresco was the image of the same young child with a gold halo who was at one point helping a woman carrying a sack over her shoulder, or talking to an older man with a stick, or joining in the games with the children.
God’s people are on a journey
This fresco reminded me that all people are on a journey through life. However, God’s people are journeying together as one body, united in purpose though individual in character and experience of life. We are God’s pilgrim people called to follow his way, and although there may be times when the going gets tough, throughout the journey God through his Holy Spirit is guiding, directing and encouraging his people. Most importantly, it better for us to journey together than to journey on our own.
New Sermon Series for the New Year
As we head into a New Year there will be new opportunities to work together with God’s people as we journey through life. To help us to journey well, we will be following a sermon series based on the book of Exodus. May God reveal to us his perfect plan as we seek to follow his will.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12 v 1-2)
God bless,