Let's Talk
If you would like more information about:
Wedding Blessings
Hall Rental
Joining Events
Special Services
please use this form.
Baptisms can be arranged with Andy or by contacting the Parish Office. They are usually held during a normal service of worship, but in special circumstances they can be agreed for another occasion.
Marriages can also be arranged in the same way. For a marrage to take place at either church one of the couple should at least live in the Parish or be a worshipping member of the congregation. In the event of a divorced person whose partner is still living wanting to get married, we may be able to offer a marriage ceremony following an interview with Andy.
The Parish Office is open:
Monday & Wednesday between 9.00am and 12.00am
Friday - closed
Telephone: (01202) 247588
Email: office.holdenhurst@gmail.com
St. Barnabas Church,
Mount Plesant Drive,
If you wish to contact Revd. Andy McPherson, the Vicar, you may do so by telephoning the Parish Office.
Andy's usual day off is Friday, but in an emergency please do still contact him.
Our team
Vicar: Revd. Andy McPherson

Asst. Clergy: Revd. Janice Seare