Saturday 13th July
12 noon – 4.00 p.m.
On the Village Green
Books Barbecue Grand Raffle
Ice cream Judy’s Jams
Bottle Stall Home-made Cakes Bric-a-Brac
Live Music
Children’s activities and Bouncy Castle
and much, much more!
Display of Morris Minor Cars!
In the Village Hall
We will be serving Lunches and Teas as well as other refreshments.
St. John’s Church
will be open throughout the day
We would very much appreciate donations of items for Raffle Prizes and for the Stalls, including Books, Bottles of all sorts, shapes, sizes, colours and contents for the Bottle Stall, and Cakes for the Cake Stall and for the refreshments (we can usually sell as many cakes as you can produce, and last year we ran out, so please get baking!) Items can be left at the back of St. John’s prior to the Fair, or contact Janice Seare on 01202 302468. Cakes can be given to either Janice or to Janet Bourne).
We would also appreciate offers of help on the day – please contact Janice if you could spare a few hours.